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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What's my complex? (2)

  • Complex about weight - Others have complexes about their weight, its either I weigh too much or I weigh too little. I need to put on some weight because I am disappearing, or I need to loose weight before it becomes dangerous for my own health. "I'm too fat and nobody will love me" or "I'm too skinny  and all people see in me is bones"
Stop by tomorrow for "What's my complex? (3)?

1 comment:

  1. This message really hit home with me. Ever since I was a little girl I never thought I was pretty. I would avoid my own reflection in the mirror. As I got older I would see that I didnt have the shape that attracted men. Lil everything, breast, butt. I didnt feel pretty. When someone would compliment me I would look at them like they were crazy. U talking to me? I didnt believe in myself. Where did this come from? I think a lack of love at home, being abused by my family at an early age. No father. Videos and movies that only showed a certain type of woman . So as A teenager I wore baggy clothes. I hid myself. Didnt want to be insulted by anyone. Now I know that I am beautiful just the way God made me. This took many years. God has been helping me through the Goddlywood blogs. Most important is what is inside. We can adjust the outside if we choose but the physical perishes and our soul continues for eternity. Now I seek to be like God only. I know my worth. Low self esteem comes from the devil. If we believe in God we must also bellieve in ourselves because we are the work of his hands. God bless.


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