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Friday, September 6, 2013

How about me....Where is my Man?

   Make God happy because He will see that when He blesses you with this spiritual partner you won’t just give Him the cold shoulder, you won’t stop praying and doing everything you were doing. He will notice that you are in for the long run, that you are asking for a partner, but you are also asking for yourself and are taking care of your salvation because you know that no matter what, salvation is individual.

   Do all these things and before you know it your partner will be right before your very own eyes, and it won't be just anyone. If you did everything that was mentioned in the previous posts, your partner  will be the one you will end up marrying and spending the rest of your life with. You will not have your heart broken because this is the person sent to you by God to make you happy. 

   My twin sister and I were born together in the same sac, we grew up together and were taught everything we know together. When we were twelve years old our mother used to send us to the sentimental services held in the church (Therapy of Love), and she would tell us to begin praying for our husbands she would say “Elsie and Elise, you don’t know where your husbands are, for all you know he might be in the hands of the devil” so every week we were there, the only two twelve year olds in the bundle of adults, praying for our sentimental lives. At the time we didn’t understand the purpose of all this we thought it was crazy, I mean we were just twelve – we still wanted to play with toys and we were already there praying for a husband. But we did what we were told, we knew that something was going to come out of this, and it sure did! (Our dream was to give our lives in doing the work of God, but not everyone is meant to have this same dream, maybe your dream is to not do the work of God as a pastor or pastors wife but it is to do something else. But according to our dream and determination God answered us).

   At seventeen, five years later my sister Elise was introduced to her partner, Assistant Pastor Damien by an elder in the church. Damien wasn’t always happy and blessed the way he is now, his ex life style as you can read in his book "Shoulda been Dead" was gang banging, addiction to drugs, and a prisoner always in and out of jail, until he found God. As Elise began speaking to him and asking questions she realized that at the age she was in church praying for her sentimental life, at that exact time Damien was in the gang, beginning to have second thoughts. Through her perseverance, Damien began coming to church and became free from all bondage. Note: Damien was in Atlanta, Georgia; USA while Elise was in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA (thousands of miles apart). Through prayer, she got her partner and he is completely transformed Thank God.
   Amen, I was happy for her but now how about me, Where is my husband?
So I became revolted, I began praying and fasting; I made chains of prayers, praying every hour by hour on the dot, for five minutes long every hour these prayers were against the devil. I would stretch my hands and begin binding all evil wherever my husband to be was.
Continuation of my story on Sundays post......
Keep tuned to find out how I got to find MY MAN!!!

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