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Thursday, August 7, 2014

What's my Complex ? (7)

  • Complexes about your background – Your background is your background. Its your past, it's behind you, it’s done and over with. You can not do anything to change it, all you can chose to do is to move on with out it affecting you and weighing you down. Your background is what helps you in the future not to commit the same mistakes again. Or it can cause your downfall! You are the one who decides the outcome. You can look forward, be positive, and learn from your past mistakes. Or, you can keep thinking about your past and beating yourself up about it, being negative all the time and thinking that you can't go nowhere in life or achieve anything Great, because you have this bad background. Always bringing the past with you to the future. 
Sometime we need to learn to just let Go!
Suck it up, learn from your mistakes, hold your head up and move on!!!
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