Question from one of my bloggers and an answer by me.......
What do you do when everyone doubts that person you want to date because of his past?
What do you think of a helper dating a member?
If you are a helper does your boyfriend need to have the Holy Spirit?
Dear blogger,
What do you do when everyone doubts that person you want to date because of his past?
You would have to pray about it and listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling you, think about it using your best judgment with all I have said in this article/post below. It could very well be that this guy is trying to move forward and leave his past behind him. But only time will tell what his true intentions are.
That's why I would personally go with the sign of the Holy Spirit, that's God telling me, "Hey, this guy is Approved by me!"
But its your life, you have to decide what's best for you. But remember, there's always going to be a consequence to the decisions you make. It may be a good consequence if you choose wisely or a bad consequence if you choose with your heart and not your head. But for sure it will be what you will have to live with. So choose wisely......
What do you think of a helper dating a member?
Me personally, I wouldn't want to take the risk, because its easier for a person that is not of God to take you away from God and to make you loose the Holy Spirit, then it is for you to bring that person to God. Though, I have to say that there are also numerous cases in the church that a helper has dated someone with out the Holy Spirit, and things worked out perfectly fine. They've gotten married, had kids and things continue to be fine. In some cases the person in the relationship who didn't have the Holy Spirit, ended up receiving the Holy Spirit along the way.
If you are a helper does your boyfriend need to have the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is God's precious Gem. He wants to share it with us, but He only shares it with those who He can trust. He only shares it with us because He loves us.
Think of it like this: Lets say you have a priceless treasure in your jewelry box, an Emerald or a Jadeite Gemstone. Its rare, its priceless..... You wouldn't just let anyone hold on to it.
I know if I had something like that, shoot....I wouldn't let No one hold it! It would be safe and hidden away for no one to touch. It doesn't matter how many people I love. I would select those who I would want near my Gem close enough to touch it. I would have to really trust you that, 1) you wouldn't drop it 2) you wouldn't try and take off with it and 3) you wouldn't try and kill me for it.
My point is: The same way if we have something so valuable, we would have to trust the people we let hold on to it. The same is with God. The Holy Spirit is His Gem. He only gives it to those who He can trust. Those who have the Holy Spirit is because God Himself gave it to you. Those who don't have it, is because they haven't gained God's trust yet. Something they are doing, or not doing is what's holding God back from trusting them.
With that said:
If God who is God, doesn't trust that person yet. I wouldn't trust him either!
God sees him where no one else does. God knows what is being done behind closed doors. And if He doesn't approve of this guy with His seal (Holy Spirit), then I wouldn't want anything to do with him. Because that means there's something going on with this person, that God sees and doesn't approve of. It simply means, He's not a man of God. You can only be of God when you have that seal from God, a sign that you belong to Him. That's the purpose of the Holy Spirit, to separate those who are of God and those who clearly aren't of God. That's how you can tell!
"Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord" Jeremiah 17:5
Once again. Thanks for the question. And I hope I was able to help....
Your know who you are........
Next question will be answered tomorrow so keep looking out for it!