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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Is it OK for my boyfriend to help me around with chores?

Controversial topic!

Is it OK for my boyfriend to help me around with chores? (My responsibility)

(Chores meaning chores......
A few examples:
1. If you at home with the family for a nice family dinner and your boyfriend came over . If your chore is to wash the dishes, is it ok for him to help you.
2. If you have a responsibility (chore) around the church, is it ok for him to help you with them?
3. .....And the list of chores goes on.... )

I want to hear from you. What do you think?
Is it OK Or not OK and why you think so.
Let me know what you think by commenting in the comment bar below.

I want you all to comment. I'll only make my next post, when is see your comments :)
My next post will have my answer to this question....


  1. Dear Mrs Elsie

    I don't think the is anything wrong when he is helping with my chores for example washing dishes after a family dinner.

  2. Hi Mrs Elsie

    Personally I wouldn't let him help me. For example, at home he is supposed to be my guest, so it would be weird to ask my guest to help me wash dishes or do any other chore. My mom would have freak out as well :-)

    Generally any chore that is allocated to me, is mine. So I should be applying myself and doing it. If he offers to help then he can, but I can't expect him to.

    That's my view Mrs Elsie.

  3. Hi every one and Hi Mrs Elsie.

    if he offered to help, I really dont see a problem in that. as long as it not behind close doors were by we are all alone than I will appreciate it because even when we are married and you cooked and he helps you to clean up after dinner when you are too busy and he want to help will be good as and I think that romantic. I believe that it even helps to bring a renewal in your relationship.

  4. Personally, if he asks to help then I think it's ok! But, I don't think you should ask him to...


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