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Monday, September 30, 2013

Learn from experience

One of my bloggers commented on my last post.
I found this to be pretty interesting. 
Please read below:

Dear Mrs Elsie

This post speaks volumes. I have always had an image of the kind of man I wanted God to bless me with. Funny thing, is that I got the exact thing, but spiritually he was not well. I was so focussed on how he should look like, instead of Who he should have inside of him.

Now I have learned to ask God for a man of God. Someone with a heart after His Own. Most importantly I have learned to seek God more than I seek a future husband! He should be my first Husband.

Thanks for this post. God bless

Posted by Lisa Gumada


  1. I also think that what @Lisa Gumada said is interesting. That's my favorite word "experience" when you learn from them , there is not way of making the same mistakes again.

  2. Ms. Elsie first I must say is thank you to God for using you in such manner. You are touching a subject that so many youth and singles struggle with the most. So God bless you!

    But I also have a question in regards to when would you consider someone is ready for marriage? I'm 23 and at times I think I might be too immature for it still. I grew up an over protected child but I know I still have a lot of learning to do. And The Holy Spirit is helping me grow day by day.
    Even my parents say I don't act my age. I like to laugh and joke. That's just my personality.
    Yet not with my spiritually. They see the seriousness in that. My salvation is my priority.
    Could it be that this immaturity idea is getting in my head?
    You mentioned you and your sister were only 12 when you both began praying for your love life.
    Is there a certain guide to know you are ready?
    I do want to find that man that God chose for me but at times I think I might have some growing to do.
    I guess just the results of being so overprotected growing up. I am praying to God to help me be more independent but nonetheless I want to hear from you.

  3. This is so true,I agree with Lisa.
    Appearance is not all that ,there is.What matters is His character and yours.
    When God is our first love,then we are able to make our second love happy.Because we are happy.

    Investing in our relationship with God is the most important,the first thing before we seek for a partner.
    Even if he has not approached me yet,he must seek God's heart to get to mine.



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